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Hora Oficial Chile Armada

Chile's Official Time Synchronizes Devices with One-Time Signal

Upcoming Time Change on March 14th

The Chilean government has announced that the official time synchronization signal, accessible through the website wwwhoraoficialcl, will automatically adjust devices to the correct time with a one-time signal. On Saturday, March 14th, at midnight local time (24:00 hours), clocks in the Continental Territory of Chile will be set back to 23:00 hours.

Synchronization Process

The synchronization signal is provided by the Chilean Navy's GEOGRCOORDINATES system. It uses the Network Time Protocol (NTP), Secure NTP (SNTP), and Global Positioning System (GPS) Clock protocols to ensure accurate timekeeping. Once the signal is received, devices will adjust their time automatically.

Upcoming April 1st Time Change

The government also announced a future time change. On Saturday, April 1st, the clocks in the Continental Territory of Chile (excluding the Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica regions) will move forward one hour from the current UTC-5 time zone to the UTC-6 time zone.

Regional Time Zones

The Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica regions will maintain their current time in the UTC-3 time zone, as they are located in a different geographical zone.

For further information regarding the time change, please visit the official website of the Chilean Navy:
