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Hora Oficial Chile 2022

Chile Time Zone: What You Need to Know

Current Time in Chile

As of now, Chile is 1 hour ahead of New York City and observes UTC-4 Chile Standard Time (CLT).

Time Difference Between Santiago de Chile and New York

The time in Santiago de Chile can be 1 or 2 hours ahead of or the same as the time in New York, depending on the time of year:

  • Standard Time: 1 hour ahead of New York
  • Summer Time: 2 hours ahead of New York

Time Zone Synchronization

When you visit the official Chile Time website (wwwhoraoficialcl), your device's clock will automatically synchronize with the official Chilean time.

Time Zone Changes

  • Summer Time 2023: From the first Saturday of September 2023 to the first Saturday of April 2024, Chile will advance its clocks by 60 minutes.
  • Presidential Decree of August 2022: Chile will start observing Summer Time on the first Saturday of September each year and end it on the first Saturday of April the following year.

Note: This information may change in the future. Please refer to the official Chilean Time website for the most up-to-date information.
